My First Blog

Hi Everybody…
This being my very first blog, lemme start off by just introducing myself…Well, Prestidigitator – the word means a ‘ Juggler, or a conjurer of tricks’….And the number 420 aptly blends with ‘Prestidigitator’…Well, the word first caught my fascination while I was working on the Hindu Crossword…Now that tells you about me that I simply love doing crosswords! Coming to crosswords or crossies in short, a really rich vocab is what is required to crack ’em all…And vocab comes from – Reading….Reading or for that matter Writing was never my cup of tea anytime…Neither my cup of coffee nor any other beverage!! Funny, eh?? Well, that tells you a second thing about me – my ability to conjure up or ‘prestidigitate’ absolutely meaningless senseless PJs!! Consider this for instance: someone comes up to me and asks ‘Hey babe whats up’?? And my usual response is to look up and say ‘The sky, what else?’ or maybe a bird or whatever…Coming to birds, I love birds!! Especially chicken…Tandoori chicken is my favorite of all!!!Of course with all the ‘animal rights’ jazz around us, more often than not I prefer being a vegetarian than eat chicken…I simply love continental veg food!! Lasagnas…Baked cheesy stuff…Pizzas…Mexican…what else? I Love chinese too!!! and yes how can I forget!! Chocolates are my all time favorite..anytime anywhere any amount…I simply cant live without chocolates… So now you know thatI am a big time foodie…Of course complementing my ‘fooding’, I also enjoy cooking very much…I guess thats enough about me for the day….Will get involved in this blog thingie actively soon…
Categories: General | 1 Comment

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One thought on “My First Blog

  1. hmm, tandoori chicken is nice!

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