Posts Tagged With: Existence

Why do we exist??

A question that has always perplexed me confused me evoked my thought process to eternity but left me with no answers..When I think of the vast Universe that surrounds us…the stars the planets and various other celestial objects on one hand….and I look at the earth with us humans with plants and animal and other living objects…I see no relation…How on earth (rather how on the universe?) did all of these things come into being…And even if we know the answer to that…What is it that we human beings are here for? What is our aim in life?? Do we really have one for which we are brought on to this earth? Or is it all merely superficial…sham..created by Man himself…

Coming to a micro level, just have a look at what most of us humans do…
most of us are occupied with the mundane things in life such as school, studies, college, entertainment, work, responsibilities, marriage, kids, retirement and finally death..Is there all there is to life?? I mean if death is inevitable, then in effect no one really cares after you are gone then why is everyone bothered with the aforementioned mundane things?. Why does one fall into the eternal trap of the fight for survival?? Why?? Why is there so much of competition so much of rat race? I am the one can beat me in this…this is what I want to do in life…This is what I am good at…I am better than so and so…yada yada stuff!! After all you and me are going to be the same…we both come into being because we have been made to..somehow no one knows how…and no one knows why…and we both are ultimately going to get merged with the mud..excepting time differences perhaps…And not just me and you…but also all those plants and animals we live with…all of us are going to end at the same place..the EARTH…Whats the difference then? Between one who is a top shot guy in so and so field..and one who is say literally working in the fields…or a dog straying by the roadside….The fact that humans can talk? Have brain? How much does it matter when the end destiny is the same for both??

I believe I exist merely because I have been made to exist…I believe I do these mundane things in life simply because I have nothing else to do…Because no one has told me that I have been brought into existence for anything else. Because I do not see any purpose whatsoever for the human race existing on this planet…Because I know my final destiny anyway so why bother?

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